
Agilent Technologies, Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. provides instruments, software, services, and consumables for laboratories. The company produces optics (LED, laser), semiconductors, EDA software and test and measurement equipment for electronics and has expanded into pharmaceutical, diagnostics & clinical, and academia & government (research) markets.
Dutscher Dutscher
Notre mission : Ensemble, aidons la Science à progresser. Chaque jour, Dutscher fournit des équipements, des produits, des services, du conseil aux laboratoires. Our mission: Together, let's help science progress. Every day, Dutscher supplies laboratories with equipment, products, services and advice.
Macherey-Nagel Macherey-Nagel
Fondée en 1911 à Düren, MACHEREY-NAGEL est devenue une entreprise innovante, d’envergure mondiale, spécialisée dans le domaine de l'analyse chimique et biomoléculaire. Avec un catalogue de plus de 25 000 références, MACHEREY-NAGEL est synonyme de solutions innovantes et créatives, développées de préférence en interne. Nos produits comptent parmi les systèmes d’analyse les plus fiables du monde. Ils sont utilisés, par exemple, dans l’industrie et dans le domaine de la santé, de la biotechnologie, de l’analyse environnementale et de la recherche. De nombreux brevets et certifications internationales attestent du haut niveau de qualité de nos produits, ainsi que de la compétence de nos collaborateurs.
Takara Bio Europe SAS Takara Bio Europe SAS
Takara Bio Europe provides kits, reagents, instruments, and services that enable life sciences researchers to achieve their experimental objectives. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, Takara Bio Europe is part of a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Going forward, Takara Bio Europe will continue to develop high-quality, innovative tools and services that accelerate scientific discovery.
LBP is an SME operating throughout France and abroad, specializing in the inspection and validation of collective protective equipment. LBP's activities are mainly focused on air quality control to ensure the protection of personnel, the business and the environment, as well as hygiene control of premises and work surfaces. At the request of customers, LBP also carries out maintenance on air filtration equipment.
Health Biotech France Health Biotech France
H&B France, established in Paris in 2015, is a cell therapy company specializing in harnessing the potential of stem cells sourced from the umbilical cord. Key highlights include patented technologies for stem cell and derivative production, boasting two decades of pre-clinical and clinical evidence on placental MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) by the company's headquarters, Health & Biotech Pharma.
Université de Lorraine Université de Lorraine
Working for the advancement of all knowledge, Université de Lorraine promotes knowledge-sharing. From basic research to the humanities, it is building cross-disciplinary ecosystems to drive innovation, which are accelerating the transfer of knowledge to practical applications. In the heartlands of Europe, Université de Lorraine can count on a network of partner universities in the Greater Region and worldwide. Its global standing is grounded in the mobility of researchers, research professors and students and the international focus of its courses.
The National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a major player in basic research on the global stage and the only organisation in France that is active in all fields of science. Its unique position as a specialist in multiple fields means that it can bring together different scientific disciplines to shed light on and gain insight into current global challenges, in partnership with public sector, social and economic stakeholders. Together the sciences are used to bring about sustainable progress that benefits the whole of society.
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