Invited speakers


Pr. Cédric Laurent (LEM3, UL)


Cédric Laurent is a university professor, teaching mechanics in engineering schools and a researcher in biomechanics at the University of Lorraine. His research activities focus mainly on the mechanical behavior of soft tissues.



Pr. Patricia Albanese (Université Paris-Créteil)

Cell/environment/biomaterials interactions

The current research of Pr. Albanese focused on structural and functional characterization of Glycosaminoglycans in musculo-skeletal system, and specificaly during osteoarthritis, the identification of new glycanic targets for matrix therapy of degenerative and inflammatory diseases and the association of Matricial products to stem cell based therapeutic strategy.



Pr. Yun Chen (Wuhan University)

Cell/environment/biomaterials interactions

The main research interests of Pr. Chen focus on biomaterials and regenerative medicine, including: (1) structure, properties, and modifications of the natural polymers such as cellulose, soy protein, chitosan, starch and their composites; (2) their interactions with tissues and biocompatibility evaluation; (3) and their applications in biomedical fields such as nerve tissue engineering, ligament nerve tissue engineering and bone nerve tissue engineering.



Pr. Nadir Kadri (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)

Cellular engineering

Dr. Nadir Kadri, PhD, VMD is an Assistant Professor in Regenerative Medicine and Tumour biology. Senior researcher specialist in Stem cells at the Karolinksa Institutet, Stockholm. Sweden. He is also the Director of research and development at Cellcolabs, Swedish stem cell company and Senior Consultant Specialist in Stem cells within the Takura Holding group, Stockholm, Sweden.




Pr. Sophie Caillat-Zucman (Hôpital Saint Louis, APHP)

Cellular engineering

Pr. Sophie Caillat-Zucman is Head of the Saint-Louis Immunology Department, the largest in France with a unique activity in the field of organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and in CAR-T cell therapies. She obtained her MD in 1988 before being appointed as Assistant-Professor of Immunology (Université Paris V) and Head of the Histocompatibility Laboratory at Hopital Necker in 1992. Since 2011, she is Professor in Immunology at the Université Paris VII, and President of the French Biomedical Agency board of directors since 2015. Her main research interests pertained to HLAs or to NK cell receptors in autoimmune, infectious or malignant diseases. Her current research projects are focused on human Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells and their usage in adoptive immune therapy.


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